tisdag 7 februari 2012

Updated Portfolio february 2012


Welcome to my updated portfolio! My last portfolio (see earlier update on this blog) was only life drawings. For this update my goal has been to show a wider skill set, I will show character design, illustration and life drawings and an icon! I've scanned smaller works and taken photos of the bigger ones, mainly the life drawings. With a few exceptions all works are produced between June 2011-February 2012. All characters with some exceptions are created by me.


This is my third icon, and it portrays Saint Luke the Evangelist. Legend has it he was a doctor and that he painted the first icon, he is therefore the patron saint of doctors and artists. For a work-in-progress see my blog!

Character design

These two characters were created to have characters to animate with. My goal was to design characters that would be easy to animate and to draw. The two works that you see above are part of the character sheets.


This illustration is for an upcoming book of quotes with/from the character Deathpiglet. The quote is: "More than thousand years of doctoral science and still no cure for cats?!" The character is created by the Swedish comics collective "Nasses Nekromantiker". The illustration is done spring 2011.

Another illustration for the above mentioned quote book, this quote is: "Boy meets girl? How about hare meets combine harvester?" The illustration is done spring 2011.

Here is the sketch for an illustration that I gave to the comics artist. I inked it on a separate piece of paper, the character is Coco the Crazy Clown and is featured in the webcomic: "Biff Zongo". The character is created by Fredrik Sjöholm and Jan Kustfält. The illustration is done autumn 2010.

Life drawings
In selecting these drawings/sketches my focus has been to choose series of drawings instead of compiling separate drawings from separate classes. I've also chosen drawings with different time range.

These are quick sketches, 1 minute, from a costume drawing class, charcoal.

Five minutes, same class, charcoal.

Five minutes, same class, charcoal.

2x10 minutes and 1x30 minutes, same class, charcoal.

Life drawings, 1x10 minutes and 2x5 minutes, charcoal.

Life drawings from the same class as above, 3x5 minutes, charcoal.

About 7 minutes, charcoal.

10 minutes, charcoal.

30 minutes, pencil.


There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the all new and updated portfolio.

Next update will be in a few months with my new demo reel!

Take care!